Psammoclema sp. (OTU QM4798) OTU QM4798

Poecilosclerida Chondropsidae

External characters

massive, bulbous, partially excavating, cavernous interior, binding coral, Halimeda and detritus


pinkish red exterior, bright red interior alive

Skeletal Characters

Oscules large, covering a significant portion of upper surface
Texture harsh (sandy) but compressible
Surface_Ornamentation macro-conulose, cavernous
Ectosomal_Skeleton heavily collagenous and some detritus on ectosome and below the surface
Choanosomal_Skeleton heavily collagenous, heavy deposits of detritus in place
Megascleres nil
Microscleres nil
Mudmap_Author J Hooper
Mudmap_Editor K Hall


In French Polynesia: Tuamotu islands

Pacific Ocean: Vanuatu

Ecology and habitat

In the lagoon, on pearl lines.

J Hooper (2014). QM4798 Psammoclema sp. (OTU QM4798) . In: Hall, K.A. & Hooper, J.N.A. (2014) SpongeMaps: an online community for taxonomy and identification of sponges. (Available at