External characters
thickly encrusting.
yellowish in life; brown in ethanol.
Skeletal Characters
Oscules | small, sessile, irregularly scattered. |
Texture | soft, fragile, collapses out of water, very easily torn. |
Surface_Ornamentation | finely conulose, membranous, fine cob-web like surface, opaque. |
Ectosomal_Skeleton | membranous, very little detritus incorporated into surface and general mesohyl; collagen moderately dense, finely granular in appearance. |
Choanosomal_Skeleton | collagen moderate, not as heavy as in ectosome; no differentiation between primary and secondary fibres; all fibres laminated with distinct pith; reticulation of fibres irregular. |
Megascleres | nil. |
Microscleres | nil. |
Mudmap_Author | K Hall |
Mudmap_Editor | K Hall |
In French Polynesia: Austral archipelago is.
Pacific Ocean: Palau
Ecology and habitat
Outer reef slope.
Aplysina sp. (OTU QM2370) . In: Hall, K.A. & Hooper, J.N.A. (2014) SpongeMaps: an online community for taxonomy and identification of sponges. (Available at http://www.spongemaps.org).