Leucetta microraphis - (1065) - Societe - Tahiti

Leucetta microraphis OTU QM1065

Clathrinida Leucettidae

External characters

Massive, convoluted, lamellate.


Diameter approximatively 10cm.


white to grey, yellow to greenish in life;

Skeletal Characters

Oscules few, small, without lip, scattered on ridges.
Texture firm, harsh.
Surface ornamentation smooth.
Ectosomal skeleton distinct dense cortex of small tangential large triactines, subdermal cavities directly under cortex; small sagittal triactines in oscular rim, similar to those observed for Leucetta chagosensis Dendy, 1913.
Choanosomal skeleton regular triactines of 2 size classes form irregular meshwork; sagittal tetractines around exhalant canals, free actines into canals.
Megascleres triactines: 3 size classes, regular, 1, ~750 × 80 µm, 2, ~200 × 20 µm, 3, ~150 × 20 µm; tetractines: sagittal, free actine curved, ~150 × 15 µm.
Microscleres aquiferous system: leuconoid, excurrent canals open into larger canal leading to osculae, larger canal does not represent true atrium; spherical choanocyte chambers ~50–60 µm.

Ecology and habitat

Rim of the pass, on rocky slope.


In French Polynesia: Society islands

Hooper, J.N.A. (2014). QM1065 Leucetta    microraphis (OTU QM1065) . In: Hall, K.A. & Hooper, J.N.A. (2014) SpongeMaps: an online community for taxonomy and identification of sponges. (Available at http://www.spongemaps.org).