Dysidea sp - (103) - Australes - Tubuai

Dysidea sp. (OTU QM0103) OTU QM0103

Dictyoceratida Dysideidae

External characters

massive, thickly encrusting, with or without digitate stalks arising from encrusting base.


pale greenish-blue in life.

Skeletal Characters

Oscules small, scattered over surface.
Texture compressible, spongy.
Surface_Ornamentation minutely goose-fleshed; irregular ridges and conules.
Ectosomal_Skeleton translucent, membranous, with discontinuous detrital layer; detritus contained within fibres.
Choanosomal_Skeleton wide-meshed reticulation of fibres; fibres sparse, spongin, all partially cored with detritus, laminated, pith absent.
Megascleres nil.
Microscleres nil.
Mudmap_Author J Hooper
Mudmap_Editor K Hall


In French Polynesia: Gambier, Tuamotu, Australes, Society islands

Ecology and habitat

In the lagoon, on pinacle and/or hard substrate.