Dysidea sp - (229) - Tuamotu - Tikehau

Dysidea sp. (OTU QM0229) cf. Dysidea arenaria Bergquist, 1965 OTU QM0229

Dictyoceratida Dysideidae

External characters

digitate, short, branching digits attached to common base, digits cylindrical.


yellow-orange, pinkish, bluish, pale purple, light brown, grey brown or grey in life; grey in ethanol.

Skeletal Characters

Oscules small, scattered between conules.
Texture soft, fragile, insubstantial.
Surface_Ornamentation sharply conulose, conules interconnected by ridges.
Ectosomal_Skeleton membranous, with layer of sandy fibres interconnnected by opaque membrane.
Choanosomal_Skeleton irregularly plumose-reticulate; fibres fully cored by sand, form ovoid meshes; collagen heavy, with sparse detritus, usually well -pigmented.
Megascleres nil.
Microscleres nil.
Mudmap_Author J Hooper
Mudmap_Editor K Hall


In French Polynesia: Society, Tuamotu, Marquesas, Australes islands

Ecology and habitat

Mostly in the lagoon, on sediment, dead corals.