Dysidea sp - (1214) - Societe - Raiatea

Dysidea sp. (OTU QM1214) OTU QM1214

Dictyoceratida Dysideidae

External characters

digitate, irregularly erect, anastomosing or bifurcate cylindrical digits, tapering to apex, multiple points of attachment.


sandy grey in life; grey-brown in ethanol.

Skeletal Characters

Oscules small, few, scattered.
Texture soft, fleshy.
Surface_Ornamentation numerous, evenly distributed fleshy pointed conules interconnected by ridges.
Ectosomal_Skeleton arenaceous.
Choanosomal_Skeleton more-or-less reticulate, irregular; fibres fully cored by sand; mesohyl collagen moderately heavy.
Megascleres nil.
Microscleres nil.
Mudmap_Author J Hooper
Mudmap_Editor K Hall


In French Polynesia: Society islands

Ecology and habitat

In the lagoon.