Hyattella sp (4865) - Societe - Tahiti

Hyattella sp. (OTU QM4865) OTU QM4865

Dictyoceratida Spongiidae

External characters

bulbous, subspherical, with several large fistules on all sides of the bulb suggesting it is probably erect, partially burrowing


brown on deck

Skeletal Characters

Oscules large, surmounted on top of fistules
Texture firm, compressible
Surface_Ornamentation surface fistulose otherwise smooth, shiny, appears mucusy
Ectosomal_Skeleton ectosome with a light but distinct cortex composed of foreign spicules and sand grains
Choanosomal_Skeleton choanosome with a primary and secondary spongin fibre system, with primary fibres cored by spicules and detritus, and secondary fibres completely clear; fibres do not appear to have any pith or lamellations; mesohyl light and with a light to moderate scattering of isolated spicules of all varieties (sediment trap)
Megascleres Nil
Microscleres Nil
Mudmap_Author JNA Hooper
Mudmap_Editor K Hall


In French Polynesia: Tahiti

Ecology and habitat

In caves.

Possible Confusions

CO1 sequence suggests this is an Ircinia, but there are no collagen filaments in the mesohyl so not an Ircinia sensu stricto. Clearly a Spongiidae and closest to Hyattella based on morphology at least.

Hooper, J.N.A. (2014). QM4865 Hyatella sp. In: Hall, K.A. & Hooper, J.N.A. (2014) SpongeMaps: an online community for taxonomy and identification of sponges. (Available at