Suberites sp. (OTU QM3294) OTU QM3294

Suberitida Suberitidae

External characters

thickly encrusting, forming cushion-like mounds.


yellow in life; light brown in ethanol; stains ethanol pale yellow.

Skeletal Characters

Oscules very small, numerous, scattered evenly over upper surface.
Texture soft, easily torn.
Surface_Ornamentation soft, compressible choanosomal region covered by thin surface layer; small, numerous oscules create distinctive pattern on surface.
Ectosomal_Skeleton small, robust tylostyles form bouquets at surface; ectosome not well represented in section, but bouquets seen intermittently.
Choanosomal_Skeleton very long, thin tylostyles in dense confusion.
Megascleres tylostyles: 2 size classes.
Microscleres nil.
Mudmap_Author P Sutcliffe
Mudmap_Editor Kathryn Hall


In French Polynesia: Tuamotu and Marquesas archipelagos

Ecology and habitat

On the rocky slope (Marquesas); In the lagoon, on pinacles (Tuamotu)