Rhaphoxya sp (4868) - Societe - Tahiti

Rhaphoxya sp. (OTU QM4868) OTU QM4868

Bubarida Dictyonellidae

External characters

massive erect ridge or plate


mustard yellow alive and on deck

Skeletal Characters

Oscules small raised oscules on margin of plate, slightly raised above surface
Texture firm, harsh
Surface_Ornamentation smooth surface
Ectosomal_Skeleton ectosomal skeleton membranous with choanosomal oxeas protruding a short distance through surface but without any apparent tangential component
Choanosomal_Skeleton choanosomal skeleton nearly radial, slightly plumose in the subectosomal region, with spicules in vague plumose bundles; no obvious regionalisation of spicules with choanosomal skeleton, no fibres, very light collagen
Megascleres megascleres very large slender oxeas and smaller even more slender oxeas, both very fusiform and tapering to sharp points
Microscleres Nil
Mudmap_Author JNA Hooper
Mudmap_Editor K Hall


In French Polynesia: Rangiroa (Tuamotu) and Tahiti

Ecology and habitat

Tahiti: in caves ; Rangiroa: in the lagoon, on pinacles