External characters
massive erect ridge or plate
mustard yellow alive and on deck
Skeletal Characters
Oscules | small raised oscules on margin of plate, slightly raised above surface |
Texture | firm, harsh |
Surface_Ornamentation | smooth surface |
Ectosomal_Skeleton | ectosomal skeleton membranous with choanosomal oxeas protruding a short distance through surface but without any apparent tangential component |
Choanosomal_Skeleton | choanosomal skeleton nearly radial, slightly plumose in the subectosomal region, with spicules in vague plumose bundles; no obvious regionalisation of spicules with choanosomal skeleton, no fibres, very light collagen |
Megascleres | megascleres very large slender oxeas and smaller even more slender oxeas, both very fusiform and tapering to sharp points |
Microscleres | Nil |
Mudmap_Author | JNA Hooper |
Mudmap_Editor | K Hall |
In French Polynesia: Rangiroa (Tuamotu) and Tahiti
Ecology and habitat
Tahiti: in caves ; Rangiroa: in the lagoon, on pinacles