Phakellia carduus - (0107) - Tuamotu - Hao

Phakellia carduus OTU QM0107

Axinellida Axinellidae

External characters

Digitate thin fan with short holdfast, or thickly encrusting plate connected directly to substrate


Orange alive, pale or light brown preserved

Skeletal Characters

Oscules not observed
Texture firm, harsh, flexible
Surface_Ornamentation Macroscopically even, microscopically conulose surface.
Ectosomal_Skeleton plumose styles protruding through surface singly or in bundles
Megascleres Oxeas long flexuous, strongyles (~770 x 7 um and 950 x 3 um), some styles (310 x 7 um) and asymmetrical oxeas (340 x 12 um).
Microscleres nil.
Mudmap_Author J Hooper
Mudmap_Editor K Hall


In French Polynesia: Tuamotu islands

Pacific ocean : Australia, Papua New Guinea

Indian ocean: Western Australia

Ecology and habitat

Inner reef pass, on pinnacles.

J Hooper (2014). QM0107 Phakellia carduus (Lamarck, 1814). In: Hall, K.A. & Hooper, J.N.A. (2014) SpongeMaps: an online community for taxonomy and identification of sponges. (Available at