External characters
small fragile globular sponge with an apical ridge
pale yellow alive, pale brown on deck
Skeletal Characters
Oscules | several small raised oscules with transparent lips on apex of ridge |
Texture | soft, compressible |
Surface_Ornamentation | macroscopically smooth |
Ectosomal_Skeleton | ectosomal skeleton isodictyal with uni-, bi- or occasionally trispicular triangular meshes that are more or less ordered |
Choanosomal_Skeleton | underlying choanosomal skeleton lax and disorganised with vaguely differentiated primary and secondary tracts, tightly packed meshes, and moderate collagen in mesohyl |
Megascleres | oxeas sharply pointed, slightly curved, of a single size category |
Microscleres | Nil |
Mudmap_Author | JNA Hooper |
Mudmap_Editor | K Hall |
In French Polynesia: Society islands
Ecology and habitat
In caves
JNA Hooper (2014). QM4872 Haliclona sp. (OTU QM4872) . In: Hall, K.A. & Hooper, J.N.A. (2014) SpongeMaps: an online community for taxonomy and identification of sponges. (Available at http://www.spongemaps.org).