Chelonaplysilla delicata - Tuamotu - Hao

Chelonaplysilla delicata OTU QM1829

Dendroceratida Darwinellidae

External characters

lobate, stoloniferous, spreading over substrate.


grey with white sand tracery in life; grey with white tracery in ethanol.

Skeletal Characters

Oscules numerous, small and large, scattered over surface, with slightly raised membranous lip.
Texture soft, compressible.
Surface_Ornamentation opaque, membranous; uneven, covered with large pointed conules commonly connected by ridges; organised, regular, sandy reticulum over entire surface.
Ectosomal_Skeleton membranous, arenaceous, with thick crust of fine sand grains on surface.
Choanosomal_Skeleton dendritic, fibrous; fibres sparsely distributed; primary fibres laminated, pithed; mesohyl collagen heavy, granular, contains scattered fine detritus.
Megascleres nil.
Microscleres nil.
Mudmap_Author J Hooper
Mudmap_Editor K Hall

Ecology and habitat

In the lagoon, on hard substrate.


In French Polynesia: Tuamotu is.

Pacific Ocean: Australia, Palau, Vanuatu

Hooper, J.N.A. (2008). QM1829 Chelonaplysilla delicata  In: Hall, K.A. & Hooper, J.N.A. (2014) SpongeMaps: an online community for taxonomy and identification of sponges. (Available at