Spheciospongia sp (4878) - Societe - Tahiti

Spheciospongia sp. (OTU QM4878) OTU QM4878

Clionaida Clionaidae

External characters

Massive lobate low encrusting on dead coral


pale beige to white ectosome, orange below surface in life

Skeletal Characters

Oscules surface with a few large oscules with raised membranous lips and abundant elongate pore-seives that appear contractile and through which the orange choanosomal skeleton can be seen
Texture firm, harsh, barely compressible
Surface_Ornamentation slighly lumpy due to conules and pore-seives
Ectosomal_Skeleton Ectosome with a thick cortex of sand and heavily pigmented collagen
Choanosomal_Skeleton choanosome cavernous, also with abundant detritus and pigment granules visible, and with few but robust bundles of tylostyles ascending to surface and protruding slightly through it
Megascleres megascleres long straight thick tylostyles.
Microscleres none seen
Mudmap_Author JNA Hooper
Mudmap_Editor K Hall


In French Polynesia: Tahiti

Ecology and habitat

In the lagoon, on pinnacles 

John NA Hooper (2014). QM4878 Spheciospongia sp. In: Hall, K.A. & Hooper, J.N.A. (2014) SpongeMaps: an online community for taxonomy and identification of sponges. (Available at http://www.spongemaps.org)