Spheciospongia sp. (OTU 1142)-

Clionaida Clionaidae

External characters

massive, forming long, thick ridges.


purple in life; purple in ethanol; appears mottled.

Skeletal Characters

Oscules aligned apically along ridges; large, slightly raised in life; collapse in ethanol, appear as closed, very small openings, with raised lips, forming small, hard projections.
Texture firm, incompressible.
Surface_Ornamentation smooth, undulating, except where oscules present.
Ectosomal_Skeleton dense palisade of smaller tylostyles.
Choanosomal_Skeleton large canal systems visible in subectosomal region; choanosomal megascleres form large, dense meshes; microscleres present at ectosome and throughout choanosome.
Megascleres subtylostyles: rounded tips, 2 size classes.
Microscleres spirasters.
Mudmap_Author P Sutcliffe
Mudmap_Editor Kathryn Hall


In French Polynesia: very large distribution in Marquesas archipelago.

Ecology and habitat

On rocky slope.